- The club shall be called “WICK MODEL YACHT CLUB”.
- The objective of the club shall be the improvement & encouragement of model yacht racing, to provide a healthy outdoor recreation and to induce good fellowship among those interested therein.
- The committee of the club shall consist of the office bearers of the club and a minimum of five others member of the club who shall be elected at the A.G.M.
Annual General Meeting
- The annual general meeting will be held as early as possible in January. The financial year will conclude prior to the A.G.M.
Alteration of Rules
- Rules may be altered only at the A.G.M. or at an extraordinary general meeting. Any member wishing to alter any rule shall give notice of such intention at least 14 days before the meeting to the secretary in writing. This notice shall state the number of the rule it is proposed to alter and must submit a “Draft Proposal”.
Extraordinary General Meeting
- To hold an E.G.M. A member must submit a request, supported by five (5) other members, to the secretary who shall call a meeting within twenty one (21) days.
- Entitlement to vote is limited to fully paid-up members.
Membership Fees
- Membership fees shall be agreed at the A.G.M.
Entry Fees for Races
- Entry fees shall be agreed at the A.G.M.
- Commodores will be members appointed by the committee. Two commodores shall be identified each day.
- The decisions of the officers of the day will be final.
Officers Orders
- All yachts competing shall be under the discretion of the officers of the day and any member or assistant refusing to comply at once with any order from either will cause the said yacht to be disqualified from the race and the matter may be reported to an Executive Member for further action.
Yacht Owners & Aids
- The one or two members sailing a yacht shall be stated at the commencement of the season, and recorded by the secretary. Should only one member be present he may sail the yacht with the assistance of any other person. Should neither nominated member be sailing the boat, any points gained for that race will not count towards any accumulative points competition. To alter the nominated names six (6) days prior notice should be given to the secretary.
Handling During Racing
- Two persons only will be allowed to sail each yacht and one must be a member of the club. Junior members may be assisted by a full member. Informal assistance by a 3rd party will be permitted at the discretion of the officers of the day.
Water entry
- Entry into the water to the top of the thigh shall be legitimate, but anyone seen exceeding this, at the discretion of the commodores may be disqualified.
- A trophy shall be introduced for juniors results over the entire season in “open” events. First junior to receive 3pts, Second 2pts, All other entrants 1pt. (Disregard points in a race where a cup is won)
Unofficial Racing
- No club cup or points races shall be held whilst official club representatives are competing elsewhere.
Match duration
- Only yacht's finishing within 1hr for single runs, 1½hrs for 1½ runs and 2hrs for double runs shall be deemed to have completed the course.
- Yacht's with VANE or any other type of steering gear shall be allowed to take part in club races, eligibility to gain points or cups shall be determined by the commodores prior to commencement of racing.
Hull Design
- Yachts shall be of a mono hull fixed keel construction only.
- Yachts may be constructed out of readily available material. No exotic materials like carbon fibre / kevlar are allowed. Keel bulb shall have a density of no greater than lead (11340 kg per cubic metre).
Clearing the Course
- Club members not actively competing must remove their boats out of the water during a match. Any member breaking this rule shall be suitably dealt with by the officers of the day and may be banned from taking part in any club races.
- All races will start under the direction of the identified commodores and the timekeeper. All races will be started by a whistle sound. The race will start at the time stated, subject to the commodores total discretion to delay the start by up to 20minutes. Commodores shall be allowed to compete. Late yacht entries may be allowed to start after race commencement at the discretion of the timekeeper, but will be timed from their starting position.
Starting Stations
- At all matches the starting stations, course of sailing, and winning flags shall be fixed upon by the commodores. No flags or sailing marks shall be altered after the race has commenced no matter how the wind may alter. The presiding commodores have the power to post-pone the day of the race in the case of unfavourable weather of other sufficient cause.
Winning Flags
- At all sailing matches the yachts shall pass between two flagpoles, the position of which shall be determined by the commodores and no yacht will be declared the winner of a heat or race until her bow has sailed clear through between the poles.
Pushing Yachts
- In the starting of yachts no competitor or assistant is allowed to push the yacht, but on the whistle sound being given, it is to be released fairly.
Beating to Windward
- No yachts must be drawn or pushed but must be fairly turned on the other tack.
- No yacht after redirection shall resume unless the course is clear of other competing yachts and any such yacht must be detained until the way is clear. Should two yachts arrive together on the same tack the windward one shall be started first.
- No poles used by members for turning their yachts must be more than 2.5metres long.
- No allowance will be made for yachts in the same heat fouling each other, but should this occur the competitors or their assistants may do the best they can to separate them using poles.
- Boats reaching (tacking) shall be set on the other tack on the 3rd time of touching the side of the loch. The commodores of the day will decide on match days, (depending on the wind) if punting comes into force. The commodores of the day will rule as to the occurrence of punting, for which the penalty is disqualification.
- Yachts may be lifted but the keel must remain in contact with the water. Any yacht lifted clear of the water will be deemed to having been with-drawn from the race.
Radio Control
- The officers of the day shall check each competitors radio equipment prior to the commencement of racing for frequency and channel use with the intention to prevent cross contamination.
Measurement of Yachts
- The official measurer shall measure all yachts in the appropriate manner.
A yacht must satisfy one of the following criteria.
- Prior to the start of the 1990 season it must meet the rules of the 1989 season, (deck length not more than 4 ft 2¼ins [1276.4mm]). This prior qualification will ensure that all yachts built prior to implementation of these rules will remain in their original classes.
- As from 27th January 1990 (A.G.M.) a yacht must have an overall length of not more than 4 ft 2¼ins [1276.4mm], not including the bumper.
- The overall draught of the yacht shall be restricted to a maximum of 20.0” [508.0mm] measured from the waterline to the lowest point on the hull structure.
- A bumper of elastomeric material must be fitted to the bow of the boat. The bumper must not increase the overall length of the hull by more than 0.5” [13mm].
- There shall be no restriction as to the rig, size, or number of sails, or on the method of setting them other than a boom must not project more than 5.9” [150mm] beyond the sail fixing.
A yacht must satisfy one of the following criteria.
- Prior to the start of the 1990 season it must meet the rules of the 1989 season, (deck length not more than 5ft 6ins). This prior qualification will ensure that all yachts built prior to implementation of these rules will remain in their original classes.
- As from 27th January 1990 (A.G.M.) a yacht will have an overall length of not more than 84ins [2124mm] and a waterline length of not more than 69ins [1752mm].
- The overall draught of the yacht shall be restricted to a maximum of 20.0” [508.0mm] measured from the waterline to the lowest point on the hull structure.
- A bumper of elastomeric material must be fitted to the bow of the boat. The bumper must not increase the overall length of the hull by more than 0.5” [13mm].
- There shall be no restriction as to the rig, size, or number of sails, or on the method of setting them other than a boom must not project more than 5.9” [150mm] beyond the sail fixing.
- A handicap of 20 seconds per inch on waterline length + one third of the overhang shall be applied on (double run) 5ft class races. The handicap shall be halved on (single run) 5ft class races. Measurement shall be by the club measurer using the approved technique.
- Competing yachts may be based on one of two standards Yachts designed to comply with the 4ft rule which have been converted to employ Radio Control. The implementation of Radio Control is at the discretion of the builder.
- Yachts designed and compliant to the ISAF International Marblehead Class Rules 2002. 2.If RC racing is conducted alongside other classes of yacht, the RC yacht must concede its path and proceed on the leeward side.
Power Boat
- A power boat section is to be introduced in accordance with the aims of encouraging “Model Boat Sailing”. This section must operate under the rules dictated by a quorum of a minimum of three (3) committee members.
- 02/23 - Updated
- 06/20 - Updated
- 08/18 - Updated
- 05/17 - Host migration
- 05/16 - Updated reports
- 09/14 - Updated to Season End