Web Site
This site is under continual development with frequent updates
The website is to promote and encourage new life into ModelYachting and to give the members of the club and public access to information regarding the Wick Model Yacht Club. Hopefully this will become a central resource to the club containing a record of the scores, a weekly report when sailing is in season and photographs of the participants and events. More information will be added as time goes on.
OverView of the club
The Wick Model Yacht Club has been running in its current form since 1926. We have 2 classes of yachts 4ft and 5ft of which the rules are specific to our club.
The 4ft class is similar to the marblehead class but our rules are less stringent. The yachts are typically around 17lb and we have no restriction on sail area, draught is limited to 20".
The 5ft class has diversified over the past decades having the original 5ft6" restriction on deck length change to 84" deck length, 69" waterline and 20" draught, again no restriction on sail area. A handicap system is now in place as the yachts vary from blown up marbleheads to A class styles.
Most of the yachts sailed have a fixed skeg, i.e. no steering control, no vane or braine gear.
The yachts are adjusted by the sails only.
Vane gear is not discouraged but the benefit it provides is small compared to the hassle to adjust them.
Racing is held on Sarclet loch, nearby Wick, which is a natural loch and is approximately 3/4 miles long.
Each Saturday in spring we sail 2 races a day, each a single run, which is from
the top of the loch (north) to the bottom (south) and back, covering roughly 1.5miles.
Typically this takes 25mins dependent on wind conditions of
Our sailing season starts mid February and ends in June.
- 02/23 - Updated
- 06/20 - Updated
- 08/18 - Updated
- 05/17 - Host migration
- 05/16 - Updated reports
- 09/14 - Updated to Season End